Thursday, November 17, 2011

11/17/2011 Lunch

Lunch consisted of a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, a 4 pack of Cherry Turnovers, some Sun Chips and Coffee.

11/17/2011 Breakfast

Blueberry Coffeecake for Breakfast. I had to have seconds on the way to work.

11/16/2011 Dinner

Van Camps Pork and Bean with diced Hot Dogs and Fresh diced Onion, along with Mac' and Cheese.

11/16/2011 with Lunch

I decided to have some more Sun Chips.

11/16/2011 Lunch

Leftover Rice is really good with ground cinnamon and Honey!


Breakfast was a feast! Because of my performance at my day job, my immediate supervisor got me 3 Boston Creams Donuts and Eggnog!

11/16/2011 Coffee and Ripped Away

Coffee and working on Ripped Away!

11/15/2011 Tuesday Night

Tuesday night it was more Cold Chicken.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


 11/15/2011 8:31AM 1.5 Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches (.5 leftover from my wife), 2 Apples, 2.5 slices of Market Pantry Swirled Mocha Bread, and 1 Cup of Coffee from the Communal Coffee Maker

11/15/2011 1PM 1 McDonald's Large Fry,

1.5 Large Fruitopia drinks, and a Double Quarter Pounder with cheese.


11/14/2011 8:29AM 1 Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich on Wheat Bread, .5 Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich on Wheat Bread (leftover from my wife) , Lays Chips Garden and Tomato, 1 Yellow Apple, 1 Banana, Lays Chips Barbeque, 2 Slices of Market Pantry Blueberry Streuddel bread

My Boss at my day job was kind enough to give me 5 slices of his Bacon!! Yummy!!!!

I also had a cup of Coffee from the Communal Coffee Maker.

For lunch at 11AM 1 Apple and a scattering of Chip Crumbs.

Throughout the day because my boss is so cool, he got us a bag of leftover Halloween chocolates to nibble on throughout the day!!

For Dinner at 1:06PM my wife and I ate KFC. I had the Chicken Bowl with Bacon and a large order of Popcorn Chicken. You know everything is better with Bacon!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


11/13/2011 4PM Progressive Split Pea Soup 1 can, Sun Chips Original a couple handfuls and 3 Reeses Peanut Butter Trees

Oh Yeah, visiting Ma for watching The Chicago Bears game!

Go Bears!!


11/13/2011 8:10AM Leftover Cold Chicken- 2 Legs, 1 Wing and 1 Thigh


11/12/2011 6PM Chicken and Rice with Honey, a handful of fresh cranberries and a glass of milk- 1 Breast, 1 Thigh, 1 Leg with 2 scoops of rice drizzled with honey

I have decided to attempt this food journal to make me better at being more interested in the food I eat. You see I used to be anorexic, I would pour everything I had into my work and not think of nourishment. After meeting my wife she began helping me get better. This is yet another attempt at working toward a more well balanced self.